How to start a simple limited liability company

Only four steps are required to establish a limited liability company through HITRO.HR. In the process of starting a company, HITRO.HR staff will help you as an intermediary for delivering and collecting documents for company incorporation.

Law on Amendments of the Company Law was adopted and published in Official Gazette 111/2012, October 10th 2012, with new business entity: Simple Limited Liability Company with small initial capital and smaller fees, implemented into works through eCompany service.

Only four steps are required to establish a limited liability company through HITRO.HR. In the process of starting a company, HITRO.HR staff will help you as an intermediary for delivering and collecting documents for company incorporation.

1. Company name availability check

First you must choose a name for your company. The staff of HITRO.HR service can help you check the register to find out whether a company by the chosen or similar name already exists. Therefore, in addition to the selected company names it is recommended to prepare alternative names. When choosing the name for your company, use the court registry website.

When choosing a name for your company, please use the same notes as for the establishment of a Limited Liability Company.

2. Public notary

Notary public compiles minutes of establishment, the application for registration of the company into the court registry and a Statement regarding the absence of debts. The documents must be signed and certified by Public Notary who fills in electronic application through eCompany service (if the Notary Public uses one). After that, all necessary documents can be submitted to HITRO.HR through eCompany service or can be brought personally.

Please take your ID card or passport (required if you are a foreign national) with you. All founders and other persons whose signatures are to be verified must be present. For foreign national who don’t speak Croatian there must be court interpreter for the language present (Court Interpreters list).

3. Payment of fees and submission of documents

Registration documentation sealed by the Public notary can be submitted to the HITRO.HR. HITRO.HR can deliver documents for court registration and the Croatian Bureau of Statistics for you. You can make the payment of court fees and the initial capital at HITRO.HR. At the HITRO.HR counter you will recive an RPS Form which you will have to fill out in order to obtain Registration by sector from Croatian Bureau of Statistics. There is no costs of entering into the Register of Business Entities. All required forms and payment slips are available at HITRO.HR counters free of charge. Our staff will deliver and collect documents for you from the Court registry and Croatian Bureau of Statistics. Once the registration is approved HITRO.HR staff will contact you in order to takeover the incorporation documents.

4. Company’s seal making and opening of an account

After registration is completed your company needs to open a business account so that the initial capital could be transferred into your company account. Before openig of bussines bank account, please inform yourself in the bank wether it is necessary for your company to have a stamp.

If you need a stamp to do business, you can arrange for stamp to be made at the HITRO.HR service desk.

After your company has been entered into the Court Register and the Register of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, you must register your company with the relevant Tax Authority, whose jurisdiction is determined on the basis of your company’s seat.